I have to tell you that that blew.
Here's what you might want to do before submitting again:
Learn to draw a decent person.
Learn to use motion tween.
Learn to use motion tween or frame-by-frame animation to move the decently drawn person.
Learn to type in English. (This is for the public, it's not an IM to your buddy.)
Learn to sync music correctly so it doesn't start playing again after you press the play button so that it overlaps and gives anyone listening a migraine.
Learn to crop an image well before using it.
Find out about the trace tool in Flash so that any images you crop might just look like they belong in the flash and aren't cut-outs.
Learn how to make a decent storyline.
Reach puberty.
There was nothing there, and it was just a waste of time for the poor 56k people on NG.
(Sorry for the harsh review, but c'mon... you couldn't have possibly thought that was worth submitting. You even said you spent hardly any time on it so we shouldn't expect it to be good, "Second of all not only was this my first movie but I mad it in less than 15 minutes. Third of all I will make flash but better of couse. This movie was only an experiement!" Don't submit experiments, first flashes, and things that you don't spend time on.)
P.S. The guy telling you to go outside and play baseball was implying that you need to get a better hobby, he just wasn't saying it blatantly. (I'm assuming you know what the words 'hobby' and 'blatantly' mean.)